TC Custom Curbing, LLC.

TC Custom Curbing, LLC.
Polk City IA
Booth: 710

Company Description:

What is Landscape Curbing?
Landscape curbing is a high-quality alternative to individual stone, plastic or metal edging. This high quality edging will enhance the curb appeal of your home.

With multiple styles and colors to choose from, our trained professionals will transform your existing yard into an eye-catching beautiful landscape. Our hand-crafted custom curbing will set you apart from your neighbors and make your landscaping the envy of the neighborhood.

What Makes Curbing so Great?

-High quality concrete installation
-Installed in every climate throughout the U.S. and around the world
-Multiple color & styles to customize options
-Can act as a root barrier for gardening
-Perfect for commercial & residential properties
-Easy to maintain after curing process completes
-100% eco-friendly property border option

We look forward to talking with you at the show!

Product Images:


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