Getting to Know DIY Network's Jason Cameron

Feb 7, 2017, 13:24 PM

The Des Moines Home + Garden Show is getting a DIY Network celebrity — you may have seen him on Desperate Landscapes, Man Caves, and Sledgehammer. You read that right! Jason Cameron is going to be in person on the Inspiration Stage to discuss landscape tips. Luckily, we got to know him a little bit before his appearance! 

Jason Cameron

Q: What is the best part of your job?
Jason: "Getting to do what I love."

Q: What was the last TV show you binge watched?
Jason: "Game of Thrones"

Q: What was your most memorable home project for yourself or work?
Jason: "Building my own Man Cave."

Q: If you could only use one which would you choose: Facebook, Instagram or Snapchat? Why?
Jason: "Instagram. I find it to be the easiest to use."

Q: What are your best tips to help homeowners with curb appeal year-round?
Jason: "Clean it, patch it and paint it."

Q: What’s one thing you think people should splurge on for their home?
Jason: "Kitchen cabinets and counter-tops."

Q: Name one famous person you wish you could meet, and why?
Jason: "Clint Eastwood because he's the man."

Q: What is your ultimate comfort food? What do you eat if you’re having a bad day?
Jason: "Chocolate chip NUTS!"

Q: What’s your least favorite chore? 
Jason: "Cleaning the bathroom."

Q: Name one person in your field that you admire and why?
Jason: "Mike Rowe because he is a big advocate for bringing back the trades."

Q: What’s one thing we wouldn’t guess about you?
Jason: "I hate vegetables."

Q: What is your favorite space to makeover and why?
Jason: "The kitchen because it's where most people spend most of their time."

Q: What is one home improvement project you wouldn’t recommend someone trying to do on their own?
Jason: "As long as they did their research and understand what the project entails, nothing."

Jason will be on the Inspiration Stage on Friday, February 10th at 6PM, Saturday, February 11th at 12PM and Sunday, February 12th at 12PM. You can catch Jason on Twitter and Instagram, plus check out his website! Don't miss the opportunity to see him this weekend so grab your tickets at an online-only discount now!

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FEBRUARY 9 - 12, 2017