Meet Mike Pyle of HGTV's Hit Show, INSIDE OUT
The featured celebrity speaker at the 2023 Des Moines Home + Garden Show is HGTV’s Mike Pyle. Mike has been in the landscape industry for more than 20 years, specializing in everything from design to construction to outdoor furnishings and firepits. He is a co-host of Inside Out, where he works with his team to remodel homes in Southern California. Mike

leads all things outside, making sure to equally consider his client’s priorities and budgets to help them produce remarkable outdoor spaces. We had the chance to sit down with him for a Q&A before the show, February 23-26 at the Iowa Events Center.
1. What home gadget or tool should every homeowner own?
Cordless Leaf Blower
2. Are you a plant fanatic, or is your green thumb lacking?
I am plant obsessed and maintain all the plants within my personal home.
3. What’s your favorite HGTV or DIY Network series?
100 Day Dream Home
4. In your opinion what’s the most underrated tool in your toolbox?
Dykes Diagonal Pliers
5. Best home purchase for under $100?
Zero-G Flexible Garden Hose
6. What is one project you tell people to NOT do as DIY?
Tile Work
7. Tell us about your pet(s).
Steeler is my three-year-old French Bulldog that barks at everything except intruders.
8. What’s your favorite paint color?
Iron Ore by Sherwin Williams
9. What’s one outdoor tip for big impact in landscaping or curb appeal?
Proper Landscape Lighting
10. What are you currently watching?
I don’t watch TV shows, but I do watch sports
11. Favorite room in your home?
12. What’s your next home project?
Built-Ins in Living Room, Pantry and Bar Area
13. What home trends are loving? What styles do you think will emerge in the future?
Bringing organic materials and finishes that you’d normally use outside to the indoors such as
stucco and stone. I think the neutrals will start to be used less and bolder colors and richer
darker woods will be used.
14. Which HGTV / DIY Network star would you most like to work with and why?
I would love an opportunity to collaborate with the Fixer to Fabulous duo Dave and Jenny
Marrs as I have heard nothing but great things about them!
15. What do you enjoy about being at a home show?
It’s fun being around people that are like minded to share ideas and concepts and gain more
knowledge within this field.
16. What’s in your bag or purse?
No bag or purse, but I have a utility knife in my pocket.
17. What project are you currently working on?
Currently finishing up the brick work for my wine room.
18. Tips for designing an office at home.
Design something that can be hidden away as I believe it’s best to separate home from work
as much as you can!
19. What is an outdated home trend you hope doesn’t come back?
Animal print and all whites and grays.
20. When you design a room, what is the most important interior design advice you give?
My advice would be the same for exterior, always consider scale of the room not to
overcrowd the space.
Lastly, is there anything else you’d like to highlight for our audience?
When it comes to improving your home, paying extra attention to the overall curb appeal will always add great value to

your investment. Small upgrades using paint, replacing mulch, adding an accent tree and pressure washing make a great difference without adding huge expense.
You can see Mike Pyle live at the Des Moines Home + Garden Show on the Rose Farm Inspiration Stage Friday, February 24 at 6 p.m. and Saturday, February 25 at noon.